Save Our Plankton

Shaylyn Potter
ubmersible pilot | marine scientist | polar diver


Shaylyn. She/her.

My grandmother once described me as the type of person who likes to run with scissors.

Sub pilot, submersible pilot, deep sea explorer, female sub pilot

Make it stand out

Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.

I grew up in small-town Oregon making mud pies and collecting insects. I’ve always been fiercely curious. I studied marine science at Oregon State University (go Beavs!) and then spent the best part of a decade working with Lindblad Expeditions National Geographic as an undersea specialist. I’ve traveled from pole to pole helping people explore some of Earth’s most remote wilderness areas. I’ve been guiding and scuba diving in Antarctica since 2015 and my time spent underwater there has been one of the greatest joys of my life. The harshness and remoteness of Antarctica captured my heart and now I’m enrolled at the University of Tasmania’s Institute for Marine and Antarctic Studies where I’m researching Antarctic marine benthic biodiversity. I’ve always rooted for the underdog and am #teaminvert all the way. I’m certified and working as a submersible pilot and hope to live a long and happy life exploring and studying our polar and deep ocean ecosystems.

I live for the small joys in life. I aim to work hard, but never take life too seriously. I believe in the social responsibility of speaking out against injustices.

Stay salty,
